Automatic Pool Cleaners: What One Is Right For You?

Written By: Chris Tebbutt
Date Published: March 21, 2020

If you have a pool, one of the worries you have is, how are you going to clean it? It will be a difficult task as you can’t clean it ordinarily unless you are going to drain all of the water, which is not advisable. You will need an automatic pool cleaner to make your life easier.

In this article, I will talk about anything you need to know about automatic pool cleaners and why you should have one to make your pool clean. This will be your ultimate guide on how to choose a pool cleaner that will suit your pool and your budget.

So before I tell you all the things you need to know about automatic pool cleaners. Let’s start first with the basics, shall we?

What is an Automatic Pool Cleaner?

Automatic pool cleaners are a robotic-like machine that operates independently to help clean your pools. The primary purpose of pool cleaners is to move around your pool and clean and pick up debris. There are different types of automatic pool cleaners, and they have various features as well.

Most automatic pool cleaners have a filtering system that could help clean the water in your pool. They are very flexible as they can navigate everywhere in the pool, they can climb pool walls, scrub tiles, and pick up debris.

Pool owners love the convenience of automatic pool cleaners as it can clean dead spots and stain on their own without manually cleaning it.

Why use an Automatic Pool Cleaner?

If you are a pool owner, cleaning it is a daunting task. Just imagine yourself scrubbing the tiles and filtering them manually. It will be time-consuming and needs a lot of effort on your part. Good thing automatic pool cleaners are invented! 

This will be a great help when it comes to cleaning your pools. It can operate independently, and you don’t need to worry about adjustments and lots of hoses that tangles everywhere. It has electric motors that move around the pool that will help with the cleaning and picking up different debris that it will find. 

The usual cleaning of the pool is done on the surface of the water, but when it comes to automatic pool cleaners, it is beyond that. It can clean deep and unreachable areas without the hassle of going into the water yourself.

An automatic pool cleaner can pick up debris from the pool floor, can scrub the waterline of the pool, and can even climb pool walls and steps and cleans it. Using it regularly can help eliminate stains and other dirt in your pool.

Economically wise, using an automatic pool cleaner will help you save money when it comes to operating costs. It doesn’t require you to use your filtration system for it to work and clean your pool. You can save up on electricity, and you don’t have to clean your filtration system after use. 

They are the best use in residential and commercial swimming pools that uses large filtration system. There are a lot of different automatic pool cleaners that a buyer can choose from. Usually, they are automatically controlled that will give you complete access to how it works, and it is convenient.

Different Types of Automatic Pool Cleaner

There are different types of pool cleaner that you can choose from depending on a buyer would like. So, before you buy an automatic pool cleaner, you need to know the different types of it.

Pressure-side Pool Cleaners

This is the most popular one in the market today. It is also called as a booster pump type cleaners because of the water that is pushed back to the pool. They have distinct advantages, mostly because they are on the pressure side. It can distribute clean, filled water in the pool due to its debris bag that by bringing all the dirt inside it and in the pool filter as well. You don’t have to worry too if the container is full as it won’t get more debris until the container is emptied. 

Pressure-side pool cleaners can clean up large debris from the pool and is deficient maintenance. It won’t ever move dirt in your filter system because it has its contained unit for storing those stuff.

Robotic Pool Cleaners

This is the most advance kind of pool cleaner as it is independent and self-contained. It will keep your pool clean and sparkling as it has its filtration mechanism and also uses advanced and high technology programs that can effectively clean your entire pool.

Robotic pool cleaners are smart as it has computer chips inside. They can monitor cleaner activities and is very efficient in cleaning pools. It is a remote-controlled machine that is easy to use and manageable. 

Suction-side Pool Cleaners

If you are looking for a pool cleaner and in a budget, you better start with suction-side pool cleaners. It will work best if you have a small pool that only needs average to minimal cleaning. Compared to the other type of pool cleaner, suction-side pool cleaners are the easiest to use and operate. It requires nothing more than a plug-in system for the side of your pool pump system.

Final Thoughts

There are a lot of pool cleaners for a different type of pool. It will always depend on what you want and how convenient it will be for you, especially if you want your pool to be always clean.

I prefer to have a pool cleaner with low maintenance that could make my pool clean without extra effort.

If you are the type that likes anything techie and would like your pool to be cleaned thoroughly without any hassle, then the robotic pool cleaners would be the best for you. It is a smart pool cleaner that can be used by remote control.

Always remember when choosing a pool cleaner for your pool; it must tick everything that you want, need, and is economically suitable for you.

Article written by Chris Tebbutt
In 2016 I got my first house that had a pool and I had no idea where to begin. Over time I have learnt how to do most things myself (I am really into DIY) and wanted to share my information with other. I was one of the people who thought if water smelt like chlorine, that meant there was too much chlorine in the water!